LINC Community Resilience

LINC Community Resilience


Members of the community are more powerful in bringing about change than any one professional.

We tread lightly and leave no footprints.

Unity and affirmation have more power to change behavior than shame and punishment.

Before we begin, we connect with you and leaders of the community by invitation, ensuring that we have permission, authority, knowledge, and motivation in order for our participation to be welcomed and successful.

Sustainability is achieved by relying on this Evidence-Based process and ensuring that your community owns your goals, content, outcomes and credit for change.

The best measure of our success is based upon the longevity of the community projects, the vast majority of which remain ongoing for years and decades long after the initial intervention.

Why it works

We employ a 3-stage process that empowers your community to bring about sustainable change while reducing long-term professional involvement.
      1. Your community comes together to share your history, traditions, and the current situation (impending disaster, traumatic event, increase in problems, mass disaster, etc.)

      2. Your community selects Natural Change Agents as Community Links who lead everyone to establish their own clear goals and turn these into small workable tasks with committed work groups.

      3. Your community takes over the process as we (the outside professionals) withdraw